Agata Nowak-Lis


It was very valuable event with lots of interesting presentations from scientists from all over the world. The quality of talks was at very high level. I would like to thank you very much for inviting me for the conference.

MI Corcuera Martnez


However, the works at first glance seemed like good works and the speakers made an effort to present them online, which is always harder to do.

Tarang Patel


The International Cardiology Conference was very informative and enjoyable. Many sessions were really helpful and related to my profession and will further guide me in my academic career. Peers Ally Media did a fantastic job indeed. Entire two day conference was smooth and he did help on each stage of conference. Looking forward to be part of future conferences.

 Vincent Dangoisse


The quality of the event was adequate.

Hamid Soraya


I have participated at virtual conference and i think most presentation's quality were good. There was a good presentations in the field of cardiovascular medicine that i was enjoyed and also extended my knowledge and i am happy about that. I think you selected good speakers for this conference.

Luisa Maria Camarozano Machado


The quality was good, the participants were very professional and had great things to add to our knowledge. The event was great for my professional development, because I was able to see more about the innovations in cardiology and now, I am able to focus on more important topics when it comes to my professional development. The Peers Alley Media, Canada did an amazing job selecting the speakers. Most of the speakers gave great presentations with a rich content and the Peers Alley Media also did a great job administrating the day in the congress.

 Abeer Mohamed Shawky


I was so glad and enjoyed joining this International Congress on Advanced Cardiology and Cardiovascular research. I was proud to be with all those stars in cardiology. All the talks were of high quality. These talks helped in progressing my professional development. Peers Alley Media, Canada, did a good job.

Zhao-Yang Xing


The quality of the speech is very high. Through this meeting, I learned more knowledge, which is very helpful to my research field, and I also made more friends. These participants made successful speeches, and the host worked hard!

 Joan van Rotterdam


I found the talks innovative and entertaining. It gave me exposure and an opportunity to find out how others in my field are progressing. Peers Alley Media did an excellent job picking speakers.

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